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RMG Online Master Class: The Fundamentals of Rentals

with... Ed Benz & Dave Corsi, Sam Maropis

Everyone knows that owning rentals is the surest way to financial independence in real estate—but only if you buy, finance, and manage them right. You’ll learn to do all 3 of those in this online master class.

Saturday, June 29, 2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


PHP Credits
What is PHP?

Saturday, June 29th  
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern

The Fundamentals of
(Evaluating, Financing, and Managing)
Small Rental Properties

       Owning rentals is tried-and-true way to create (sort of) passive cash flow and generational wealth.

         That is, IF:

  • You “buy right”
  • You get the right financing
  • You manage right

     There’s SO MUCH bad/incomplete information out in the world about HOW to do those things (hint: “The 1% rule” NEVER worked) that it’s time for a (cheap, money-back guaranteed) way for you to get real advice from real, super-experienced rental housing providers.

     This online master class focuses on single family rentals, and teaches you:

  • How to fully evaluate any rental BEFORE you make an offer: cash flow does NOT = rent – mortgage payment, taxes, and insurance, and what rent you can get is NOT just based on square footage, bedrooms, and baths
  • What to do when the deal doesn’t “pencil out” (they often don’t with today’s asking prices and interest rates)
  • What your real financing options look like in 2024: There’s more than just conventional and DSCR loans, and often the financing is what makes or breaks a rental deal
  • How to maximize your cash flow, and minimize your stress, by choosing the right applicant: from how to attract them to how to qualify and onboard them, how to get residents who pay their rent, take good care of your property, and, hopefully, stay for years and years
  • How to organize your rental gig into a rental BUSINESS (you know, with systems for management, rent collection, maintenance calls…and maybe even some software to back it all up)
  • The pros and cons of getting a property manager, and what questions to ask BEFORE you hire one

     You’ll have THREE amazing instructors in this class: Ed Benz (a multi-decade rental housing provider), Dave Corsi (who’s bought homes creatively since the Reagan administration), and Sam Maropis (a rental owner/property manager with over 450 doors under management).

         Your tuition for this complete master class is just $47 for members, $97 for non-members* when you register by midnight on June 27th!

(*But don’t pay the non-member price! You can join MREIA for just $25 a month HERE, and save $50 on your tuition!) 

         And, as always, this master class comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee: you’ll be convinced that you’re equipped to be a better buyer and better manager at the end of the day, or your money back! 

      …and YES, register even if you can’t be on Zoom on the 29th, because the recordings of the class will be sent to ALL registrants after it’s over…

         Register now using the button below!


Early Bird Special Pricing...

Up To 6/27/2024

Members: $47.00 -- Non-Members: $97.00

Regular Price

Members: $67.00 -- Non-Members: $127.00

Date:  Saturday, June 29, 2024
Time:  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

PHP Credits:
Purchasing (2.00 hours)
Finance (2.00 hours)
Management (3.00 hours)
What is a PHP Credit?

Event Liability Waiver

www.MREIA.com  (Metro Real Estate Investors Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. MREIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

Contact Us:

Metro Real Estate Investors Association
PO Box 296
Oceanport, NJ 07757
(908) 367-3423

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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